Sun Shake

Mango Shake 1

Total time: 5 minutes Makes: 1 serving ➜ Certain foods act like SPF in different ways: Green tea contains catechin antioxidants, which have been shown to enhance DNA repair and …

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Magic De-Puffer Smoothie

Coffee Smoothie 4

Total time: 5 minutes Makes: 2 servings ➜ A vacation or work travel can result in eating saltier food than usual or drinking more booze than you normally do. This …

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Banana-Berry Smoothie Bowl

5 Minute Super Berry Smoothie Bowl |

Total time: 10 minutes Makes: 2 servings ➜ Sweet strawberries add a pink hue to this smoothie bowl, but it’s not just a pretty dish. The flaxseeds add ALA, which …

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Gut-Health Smoothie

Green Smoothie.

Total time: 10 minutesMakes: 1 serving ➜ Maintaining a healthy gut—which is crucial for a strong immune system—requires two types of ingredients: prebiotic and probiotic (see the information at right …

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