Pain artisanal fait maison

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The smell and taste of freshly baked bread are the only things that compare.

The crunchy outside and soft, airy inside of artisanal bread make it a delectable treat that can elevate any meal.

It may seem daunting to make artisanal bread at home, but with a simple recipe and a few basic ingredients, you can make a beautiful and delicious loaf.

This article will walk you through the steps of making your very own homemade artisanal bread.

Items needed

Ingrédients nécessaires pour la préparation de ce pain artisanal délicieux :


3 tablespoons of flour for every batch

1.5 teaspoons of salt-infused coffee

1/2 teaspoon of active coffee powder

1.5 cups of hot water (110°F or 45°C)


In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt, and yeast.

Paste hirsute se forme lorsque les ingrédients sont bien combinés, puis ajoutez l’eau tiède et remuez.

Laissez le bol reposer a température ambiente pendant 12 à 18 heures après avoir couvert le bol avec une pellicule plastique or un torchon propre. The dough needs to double in volume and thicken into a bouillon.

Paste making:

Once the dough is lifted, roll it out on a well-floured surface.


Fermentez délicatement la pâte en boule avec les mains farinées. Pay attention not to overdestroy the dough.

Lay the dough ball on a sheet of sulfurized paper and cover it with your own torch. Keep it on for another hour or two.

Get the four pans hot.

Preheat your oven to 450°F, or 230°C, and set the timer for 30 minutes before the dough is ready.

You may also preheat a faitout or thick marmite by placing it on top of a four with a cover inside.

See also  Peanut Butter Cookies


Remove the crust:

Carefully remove the hot skillet from the oven and add the dough (with the sulphurized paper inside).

Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes, covered.

Take the lid off and cook in the oven for another 10 to 15 minutes, or until the bread is golden and sounds hollow when tapped.

Rescuing and serving:

Carefully remove the meat from the oven and set it on a grill to cool completely before slicing it.

With butter, confiture, or as an accompaniment to your favorite dishes, savor your handmade, artisanal bread.

Advice and alternatives

For a change in texture and flavor, try using farine à pain or farine de blé entier, two varieties of farine.

For a one-of-a-kind loaf, try adding some herbs, grains, or cheese as a complement.


Vapeur pour la croûte : Durant la première moitié du cuisson, placez une casserole d’eau dans le four pour créer de la vapeur, ce qui contribue à développer un extérieur croustillant.

In summary

A easy yet rewarding baking project, making artisanal bread at home yields delicious results.

You can make a beautiful miche de pain that will surprise your family and friends with only a few basic ingredients and a little time.

Follow this simple recipe and enjoy the joy of making your own artisanal bread at home.

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